Public Computers


We have 8 desktop computers available for the public.  Please sign in at the circulation desk to use a computer.  A library card is not required to use a computer.  You may use the computer for 30 minutes, although if no one is waiting, you may continue using the computer.  We have wireless throughout the library.  Ask at the circulation desk for the password.


Computer Policies established by the Library Board:

The Traer Public Library provides access to the Internet to enhance the information and learning opportunities for the citizens of the library’s service area.  The Board of Trustees has established the following policies to ensure appropriate and effective use of this resource.


Access to the Internet is available to all patrons; however, this service may be monitored and/or restricted at any time for use not consistent with the guidelines. Wireless internet is available; patrons need to ask at the circulation desk for the current password.  Printing is not available from a patron’s device.  Printing is only available from library computers


The Traer Public Library offers eight (8) computers in its patron computer lab. 


  • To use a computer the patron must first check in at the circulation desk.


  • The patron is allowed 30 minutes on the computer, if there is no patron waiting for a computer at the end of 30 minutes, the user may continue to use the computer, but after the initial 30 minutes of use, if another patron needs a computer, the original user must sign off and leave the computer lab. 


  • Patrons may call and reserve a computer for a specific time, the patron must show up at the designated time.  If they are late, they will join the people waiting on a first come first serve basis.


  • Only one person per computer is allowed unless special permission is granted by the director or staff member on duty.  An example in which permission would be granted is if two students were working on a school project together.


  • In the case of a minor who is babysitting a younger child, neither of them may use the computers.


  • If a patron has a fine of $5.00 or more and has overdue items, they are not allowed to use the computers until the items are returned.  If a patron has a fine of $5.00 or more but all items have been returned they may sign up to use the computers.


  • Users will respect and uphold copyright laws and all other applicable laws and regulations.  Computers may not be used for illegal purposes.


  • Users shall not view offensive materials.


  • Users will respect the rights and privacy of others by not accessing private files.


  • Users agree not to incur any costs for the library through the use of Internet service.


  • There is a fee of 10 cents per sheet of paper printed from the computer.


  • Users shall not create and/or distribute computer viruses over the Internet.


  • Users shall not deliberately or willfully cause damage to computer equipment, programs, or parameters.